AED Program Management

[ezcol_1third]AED Program Management[/ezcol_1third]Why do I need AED Program Management?

Automated External Defibrillators (AED) are a key piece to the Chain Of Survival. Early, rapid defibrillation is a critical component of the survival of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA).

Providing an AED is the first step in preparing for Sudden Cardiac Arrest. The second step is the proper care and maintenance of the AED to ensure its ready when you need it most. Finding out that your battery is dead or pads have expired and don’t work when you need it most, is not going to result in a good outcome for the patient.

We find many locations have AED’s but they have not touched them since they were purchased. On most AEDs the pads expire in a year and battery lifespans can be 3-5 years depending on the manufacturer. AED’s should be checked as part of a maintenance program once a month to ensure readiness so it doesn’t fail when it’s needed.

Our program will track all of your AED’s, pad expiration dates, battery expiration dates, maintenance checks as well as provide notifications and medical oversight (described below). It can remind you monthly to do the check and confirm it was completed. When your pads and/or battery near the expiration date you will get an email reminding you to order replacements. These can be ordered through our portal with the links sent by the program.

There are several Federal and State requirements associated with AED’s depending upon location and jurisdiction. Some of these include:

  1. Notifying the local Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) of the locations of all of your AED units
  2. Notifying the local Public Safety Agencies (State and County) of the AED’s
  3. Medical Oversight – required in all jurisdictions. This provides Medical oversight and AED post-use event reporting from a team of experienced physicians
  4. Prescription provided where required

The medical oversight includes the following if your AED is used:

  • An AED loaner unit (same exact make/model) will be sent to you via next-day-air (all labels provided)
  • We will download the ECG from your AED
  • One of our state-specific physicians will review your data and prepare a final summation report
  • We will replace your electrode pads – For no additional charge!

Failure to maintain your AED could open your or your company up to liability should it fail to operate and there isn’t an AED Management Program in place. Contact us today to find out how we can handle all of this for you with a simple, cost-effective program.